FO: Mottled Eggs

One sock


Two socks


Neither has been blocked yet, but dang am I glad these are off the needles.

I’m never going to make this pattern again. It’s one of those “only do it once” kind of patterns. I’m not going to stop making socks. Oh no, I’m still knitting along on the other pair of socks I have going (just a toe and partial foot right now) but this pattern, this pattern is not gonna happen again. Though it’s funny how, I started this project back in February. Finished the first sock on 21 June, and then knit the second sock in 11 days. Go figure.

Anyway, my first pair of socks for “Sock It To Summer 2014” are done. Once I’ve got both of them on the blockers (and not just one) I’m going to be submitting it to the Ravelry group where it’s all going down and then I’m onto the next pair.

Unfortunately, there’s going to be a lot of socks in my blogging future it looks like. 🙂